Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Saturday, December 8, 2012
It's been 16 years...
... since Wayno died.
The years have done their job. I no Longer burst into tears every time some random stimulus drags up an image of him, always with eyes wide with life and a wild grin.
I don't miss the tears, but I fear that as my memories wane, the rest of the world forgets!
The years have done their job. I no Longer burst into tears every time some random stimulus drags up an image of him, always with eyes wide with life and a wild grin.
I don't miss the tears, but I fear that as my memories wane, the rest of the world forgets!
A photo of Mac enjoying the first cocktail of his Hawaiian vacation!
To those of you not sharing a beverage with me in San Francisco, I'm sorry. Your life sucks and I'm on my way to Hawaii!!!
I know that sounded brutal, but the truth is often unkind!
I know that sounded brutal, but the truth is often unkind!
Virgin territory!
My first attempt at blogging from my phone (it is smart, I'm not).
I'm at PDX... On my way to Hawaii!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Notes after a month hiatus:
First, win or lose, aren’t we all glad the elections are over? In Oregon, we were somewhat lucky. We’re not a swing state. Or at least that is what they say. There were very few contested contests in our state. But we were deluged by horrible negative ads for the governor of Washington. From what I can tell they are both total scumbags and their policies will destroy the state. Expect Washington to fall in the ocean sometime in mid January. (And it didn’t matter who won.)
A quick “Thank you” to the citizens of Maine, Maryland and Washington for approving same-sex marriage, and to Minnesotans for not codifying hatred of gays in their state constitution. It warmed my cockles.
I am 56 years old today. Ugly, I know. What happened to that young dude who had the world as his platter?
I read an article online the other day about how people who look old are more likely to have a heart attack. So I looked closely in the mirror. Damn near had a heart attack just from doing that. Of course people who look old are more likely to have a heart attack. Heart attacks are a function of old age. The stuff they pass as journalism these days!
And then there is the Ducks. OMG!
Thirteen wins in a row: a school record. Thirteen wins in a row: best in NCAA Division 1A football. Today they are ranked #1 in the AP poll. Talk about warm cockles!
And you are all prepared for the Fête du Bon Père (Grand- Père) aren’t you? Have you harvested the Candy Corn?
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
2nd Anniversary. Cotton. I don't get it.
Should I send a bag of cotton balls or a bolt of cotton fabric.
So confused.
Happy Anniversary, Shannon & John!
Should I send a bag of cotton balls or a bolt of cotton fabric.
So confused.
Happy Anniversary, Shannon & John!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Notes from the Sibling Call: September 30th, 2012
6:00PM PDT: the call started precisely on schedule. There were no unfortunate disconnects, no misdials and no tacky interruptions.
The general tone of the call was convivial. Other than that one expletive infested tirade, and everyone accepted the heartfelt apology afterwards, the conversation was one of sincere camaraderie. The normal nitpicking and sarcastic comments were oddly missing.
A number of critical issues were resolved with no objections.
The first proposition, entitled the “Right of Ascension Declaration Amendment”, stated that Mac, who was crowned ‘King of the Cornelison Nut House’ long ago, would accept the change in his designation to ‘Secretary-General, Chief Executive Officer, Grand Poobah, All Exulted Ruler and Tsar for Life of the Cornelison Nut House’. It was accepted without revision.
The second proposition, named the “Twelve-Twelve-Twelve Welcoming Committee” was also accepted without dissention. It stated, for obvious reasons, that Trudy and Jane would be the sole members of that committee. After the proposition itself passed, there was a lively debate about the appropriate greeting for the ‘Secretary-General, Chief Executive Officer, Grand Poobah, All Exulted Ruler and Tsar for Life of the Cornelison Nut House’. Some thought a limo at the airport would suffice. Others felt that a parade, led by nude male dancers with the ‘Secretary-General, Chief Executive Officer, Grand Poobah, All Exulted Ruler and Tsar for Life of the Cornelison Nut House’ in the Pope-mobile was perhaps more appropriate. This is the point where the somewhat spicy harangue ensued. Discussion on that detail was closed for this call, promised to be brought up in a future sibling call, when more reasonable voices could be heard.
The third proposition, the “Charitable Trust Initiative” passed after a passionately plea from one of the siblings. Apparently, somewhere in this world, there is a mobility challenged St. Bernard with desperate needs. It was agreed that we would all send 1% of our net worth to a charity that we would establish to help said Saint. I think it is safe to say that by the end of that portion of the conversation, all siblings were all in tears. It took a few moments for the sobbing to subside. I hope everyone wrote down the address of where to send the checks.
After those key issues, the conversation lowered to its normal base of criticizing the next generation, one sister’s fashion choices and the overall greatness of the clan as a whole. (Note: Two gross exceptions were noted to the overall greatness of the clan.)
At 7:00PM PDT precisely, the call ended.
Respectfully submitted.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
The Bulldog Update!
UMD and Oregon are on the same projectory! The Bulldogs and the Ducks are both 4-0! And they are both ranked #2 in the nation in their respective polls.
Are there fates intertwined?
Are there fates intertwined?
A little known tidbit!
On this date in 1957, World War I officially ended. I know, you’re all thinking, “What about November 11th, 1918? I thought that is when the ‘War to End All Wars’ ended.
All I can say is, “Pathetically naïve!”
In August of 1914, Andorra declared war on Germany. We’ve all read in the history books about the mighty Andorran army marching through the Ruhr, causing destruction and devastation. We’d all be speaking German now, if it weren’t for the strength of the Andorran forces. World War I superpower: Andorra the Great!
I can’t have been the only one who wondered about the Andorran army’s excursions in the 1950. I’m sure you all remember the incident at Baden Baden, when the Andorran commandoes splashed water in the bathers faces. It was an atrocity!
It turns out, Andorra was “forgotten” when the Treaty of Versailles was signed. So, although they never actually fought in World War I, they didn’t end the war until 1957.
(I lied about the Andorran army marching through the Ruhr. It just seemed funny! And the massacre at Baden Baden never happened, either.)
Saturday, September 22, 2012
'Tis that time of year!
Happy Autumnal Equinox to you all!
Photo lifted from "The Epoch Times."
(No virgins were sacrificed in the making of this post!)
Friday, September 21, 2012
Happy Birthday, Malta!
Today is Malta’s 48th birthday. It gained independence from Great Britain on September 21, 1964. Malta in an archipelago in the Mediterranean Sea, and is a full partner in the European Union. But everyone knows that. I’m here to remind you of the little things that Malta has given us and to thank them for their amazing contributions to our lives.
#4 on the list is, and not to be downtrodden is Malt-O-Meal. Yes, it is a mighty fine breakfast.
And #3 of course, there is “The Maltese Falcon.” I’ve never seen the movie, but I can just kind of assume that it was something like Hitchcock’s “The Birds”, but with a Mediterranean influence.
#2 is the Double Malt Whiskey. It just makes life so much finer.
And the number 1 reason to love Malta is the Malted Milk Ball. Holy Toledo, those little buddies are damn near heaven!
Happy Birthday, Malta!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
World Premier!
For the first time ever, I am sharing with you my amazing photographic skills with my new smart phone!
Damn, am I an artist, or what?
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Pictures from the day I fell in love with Praha (Prague).
The dancing buildings.
The Prague Castle.
The Jeruzalémská Synagogue.
Lesser Town with the Vltava River in the foreground!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
My connect
Today started like most others, other than my mouth hurt. My dentist, Dr. Burton took care of that. One root canal later I am still in pain, but he promised it would end soon.
As I was leaving the office, Connie asked who my pharmacy was, and of course, I immediately chimed in with “Heights Pharmacy”.
I quickly realized my error and said, “Oops, I mean Hi-School Pharmacy.”
Connie was kind when she corrected me with, “It’s Walgreens now.”
I went from a locally owned and operated pharmacy, to a small regional one, to a nationwide behemoth without even trying.
But Hi-School Pharmacy (which still exists in an abbreviated form) derives its name from the fact that it was across the street from Vancouver High School. Extrapolate that from the fact the Mom lived across the street and around the corner from Vancouver High School, and you get my connect.
Happy 98th birthday, Juanita McCracken Cornelison. You are in my heart.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Travelogue: Part 47B(a)
I have successfully made the posting of pictures take longer than the vacation itself.
Proscastinate? Who? Me?
Just some average house in Vienna.
Karlskirche (Chuckie’s Church) is this amazing cathedral in Vienna.
And amazingly enough, I got to climb scaffolding all the way to the top. This is the dove on the underside of the dome. It was amazing to be up there!
We visited the Viennese amusement park of Prater. Apparently it is a totally cool thing to do, and you know Richard and I. We are nothing if not totally cool.
Those of you who know Richard like I do understand that it was a full time job trying to keep him from going on one of the many rides at Prater!
The chimneys out the window of the apartment we rented: for some reason they totally intrigued me.
This is from my artistic period. Don't worry, it only lasted 12 minutes.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Daytripping to Bratislava
A wonderful morning cruise on the beautiful Danube, boating an hour from Vienna to the Slovak capital city of Bratislava. The scenery was wonderful!
You know you’re getting next to Slovakia when the buoys start to remind you of cruise missiles!
The waterfront as you arrive in Bratislava: I thought it was a wonderful mix of old and new!
One of the few vivid reminders of the Soviet era we encountered.
A street scene in Bratislava: I thought it had an amazing beauty. Not as polished as Prague or Vienna, but still inspiring.
Monday, September 10, 2012
My friend in Sopron!
The great part: I interacted with 4 people who didn't speak English, but had an affinity for cats! There was no reason we all couldn't have been friends.
Just a request.
I was listening to Elton John’s song, “Norma Jean” when I came across an end of life directive I would like to give out.
There is one (or two, depending how you count) line(s) that go(es) like this:
“All the papers had to say
Was that Marilyn was found in the nude.”
So, I’m not sure who will write my obit, but I would like it to read,
“Mac was found in the nude.”
Short and sweet and makes me sound so seductive.
I like it!
Day Trip - Sopron
Sopron, is in Hungary, but it is barely across the Austrian border, and easily accessible from Vienna by commuter train. It’s less than an hour each way.
Even Richard thought the town was adorable. It's a bit larger than Hood River, but had the same small town feel.
You traversed through courtyards and plazas throughout the old town
Just a building I liked!
Vienna - Part Two
As you can see from the pictures below, Vienna is a hideous city. Ugly as sin!
A street scene. So Indianapolis!
another street scene... just brought Wichita to mind!
And I'm sure you all understand why this picture reminds me of Orlando!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Travel hint.
If you are ever in Salzburg with Richard, do not break into a little rendition of the theme song from The Sound of Music. You know:
"The hills are alive, with the sound of music... la la la
The songs they have sung for a...."
Richard will scurry away from you so fast you will be stunned. You won't have gotten to "alive" before he is out of earshot. And then you run the risk of being lost in a strange city with no way back to your hotel. It isn't fun!
Umm... that never happened to me. This is ALL fictional!
The Schmuckpassages!
The central city of Salzburg is exquisite. There are fine old buildings, beautiful platzes, ornate churches and awe inspiring vistas. You've seen the pictures. You know.
But it is Festspiele. It is 10:30AM on Saturday. One might expect the crowd to look a little rough for the wear. One might think that the haute couture of Friday night would be wine-stained and wrinkled. One would be wrongo-dongo!
At 11AM, the curtain rises on that world famous opera that I have never heard of before. There are more tuxes and gowns and pearls and diamond-studded-cufflinks sucking down Taittinger than Carter has pills.
Or course, not everyone is dressed to the nines and eagerly anticipating the opening act. There are a handful of woe-be-gone people in shorts and sandals and tees. Not to be worried, Salzburg welcomes all. In a show of egalitarianism, the city created ‘Schmuckpassages!
But it is Festspiele. It is 10:30AM on Saturday. One might expect the crowd to look a little rough for the wear. One might think that the haute couture of Friday night would be wine-stained and wrinkled. One would be wrongo-dongo!
At 11AM, the curtain rises on that world famous opera that I have never heard of before. There are more tuxes and gowns and pearls and diamond-studded-cufflinks sucking down Taittinger than Carter has pills.
Or course, not everyone is dressed to the nines and eagerly anticipating the opening act. There are a handful of woe-be-gone people in shorts and sandals and tees. Not to be worried, Salzburg welcomes all. In a show of egalitarianism, the city created ‘Schmuckpassages!
(Note: some have corporate sponsors!)
These passages allow the humble masses to make their way through town without actually rubbing elbows with high society!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Views of Salzburg
There is no question this is a beautiful city in a beautiful location!
View from the castle above Salzburg.
And this funny man on a gold ball!
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