This is so weird; you aren’t going to believe it.
Yesterday started as usual. At 6:00AM, Ralph jumped up on the bed and gave me a quick, wet lick across the face, as if to say, “Come on, sleepy head. What you wanna do today?”
“Please, Ralph. I just want to sleep another hour. I was up past midnight last night. Please, just one more hour.”
“No can do, mister. You’ve got to get up, now.”
Sadly, he was right. I had to pee like a race horse. I stumbled to the bathroom, relieved myself and stumbled back to bed. Ralph had insinuated himself into my spot, his head resting on the pillow as he snored away. Sigh. I trotted out to the kitchen (“trotted” my ass, I lurched) to make coffee. I couldn’t help but notice the sky out the door. It had this strange azure cast to it. It was totally bizarre.
Well, a few minutes later, after Ralph and Trixie had decided it was time to go out and I was trying to sip down my first jolts of caffeine, the dogs started barking like there was no tomorrow. So I reeled to the back door, threw it open and stepped out on the porch with them.
Oh My God! There it was: this huge yellow ball in the eastern sky. It was so bright it hurt to stare at it. At first it terrified me. I trembled in my little booties. But then, out of nowhere, I began to feel this amazing warmth. It gave a pleasure I can barely imagine, much less describe. It was totally awesome. I broke into the Hallelujah Chorus.
I hope it returns someday.