Saturday, December 31, 2022
I have decided to get myself more organized.
To said affect, I am dividing my days into 7 stages:
- 1. Sleep
- 2. Lying in bed before getting up
- 3. Things that need to be done to make myself presentable
- 4. Daily Chores
- 5. Cocktail Hour (My definition of time is not regulated by any clock.)
- 6. Getting ready for bed
- 7. Sleep
have been creating list of things I have to do to go on to the next stage of the
Of course, “Sleep” was a no brainer. I just needed to wake. Then there was some heated debate about the definition of “wake”. Frankly, it got ugly. The whole topic was shelved.
So, then I went on to “Lying in bed before getting up”. I decided to create a checklist of goals that need to be met (with exception for fire, flood, you know; that disaster movie type of crap) before I split the sheets. Mental exercises, limb checkings, eye focusings, digit countings. That kind of stuff. I am now up to 47 goals that need to be met.
I did some data mining and extrapolating and checking all exponential factors. According to my most recent calculation, it is estimated that it will be Mid-February before I am allowed out of bed, other than for potty breaks.
So, I
will think about “Things that need to be done to make myself presentable”
later. Much later.
Thursday, December 29, 2022
A new year is a coming!
I, as is my annual tradition will be celebrating the new year at the Palais des Papes in Avignon, France. I mean, I will be celebrating the new year at 3PM PST and using my imagination. It’s damn near all I have left.
Join me if you wish!
Monday, December 26, 2022
Saturday, December 24, 2022
No matter how you say it:
Hyvää joulua;
Frohe Weinachten; Gëzuar Khrishtlindjet; Egubarri on; Bon natale; Veselé Vánoce;
Sretan Božić;
Glӕdelig jul; Vrolijk Kerstfeest; häid joule; Maligayang Pasko; Noflike krystdagen;
Bo Nadal; κaλά Xρίστoύγννα; Jwaye Nwel; Mele Kalikimaka; Zoo siab heev Christmas;
boldog Karácsonyt; Gleẟileg jól; Selamet natal; Joyeux noël; Nollaig
Shona; Buon Natale; შოშᲐᲡ ᲒილოცᲐვთ; Kirîstmas piroz be; Priecīgus Ziemassvēkus;
щасӆивого Рiздва; Весела Коледа; veselé Vionoce; Feliz navidad; god Jul: Crăcium ferecit; Schéi Chrëschtdeeg;
Wesołych Świąt; linksmų Kalèdų; Feliz Natal: Bon Nadal; il-Milied it-tajjeb;
Have an amazing
The HBird Bar and Grill:
But the HBird does have a loyal clientele. Fiercely loyal. I
spoke to two of them. The first requested anonymity, so I will call him “Paul”.
“Paul’s” wife thinks he mining the Honeysuckle’s for a needed
paycheck. But instead, he is down at the HBird sucking down some sleazy sugar
water. “Paul” says he desperately needs relief from the drudgery of daily life,
and he finds it a the HBird.
That’s cool “Paul”.
The second patron is Joey.
Joey doesn’t give a damn who knows he is here. As he says, he ain’t
got no friggin ball and chain holding him down.
He loves the HBird. “There is always some fun goin’ down.
Sometimes a crap table appears. Other times it the poker game in a smoky room
out back.” He always packs an ace up his sleeve.
As to the frequent fights Joey admits to instigating a few
of them, but hey it’s what makes the joint memorable.
See you there soon!
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Happy Winter Solstice!!!
I've been researching customs associated with shortest day of the year.
Thursday, December 15, 2022
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Finally, my bathroom is finished
Saturday, December 10, 2022
So. Dakota St. 42, Holy Cross 21
I'm sure that just like me, you have all been celebrating the Jackrabbit's victory over Holy Cross. (Dancing in the street is not recommended for people who live on major thoroughfares.)
Jack's are in semis: only Montana St. stands in their way to the national championship game!
Friday, December 9, 2022
The first signs of Christmas:

Karla hasn’t approved of the St. Bernard hanging over the TV, but not to worry, he is
of the dry-mouth variety of Saints.
we have our tree. Don’t you just love how we chose to decorate it!!! It just
gets me into the spirit of Christmas.
And, of course we have Poinsettias. Sadly, almost immediately after they came home something was easting on them. So, I sprayed them with an oil that is supposed to suppress all sort of stuff. I have quarantined the live Poinsettias to a remote gulag on the back porch.
HO HO!!!
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
We have an honored guest.
Saturday, November 26, 2022
Good Night, Irene
Friday, November 25, 2022
Thought for the day
"The boy throws stones at the frogs in jest. But the frogs die in earnest."
by Joanna Russ (a quote from her mother).
I first read this many years ago. I was 9 or 10 years old. Soon before reading the quote, I had thrown a rock at flock of birds. And much to my shock, and I am sure to the shock of everyone who knows my great athletic prowess, I hit one of them.
I was wracked with remorse at the time: it didn't help reading this.
I have never thrown a stone at a living being again. (Note: I don't have to count the time in Kansas when I rammed a few quails with a rental car. It was an accident. The authorities opted not to detain me.)
Thursday, November 24, 2022
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sunday, November 20, 2022
I was just on YouTube
Listening to Billie Holiday sing "Strange Fruit".
Friday, November 18, 2022
Thursday, November 17, 2022
It was just an unfortunate incident from the very onset.
I wasn’t expecting to get blindsided and trashed. Yes, I was in the bad side of town. I live in the bad side of town. What was I to do? Go sleep in my car in a more chichi part of town. I don’t think so.
It comes down to: he
says, it says. He being me. It being a toilet possessed by the devil.
My story is that I was
peacefully urinating into a receptacle that was designed for that purpose. The
demon-possessed piece of porcelain then reached up and slapped me across the
face with its seat. And then it stomped on my big toe.
That's my story and
I'm sticking to it!
Friday, November 11, 2022
Thursday, November 10, 2022
The Day After the Day After Election Day.
I must admit, I am very pleased with the results from Tuesday.
We all won!
Whether you are liberal or moderate or conservative, Republican or Democrat, right wing or left wing: no bloc can claim a victory (although some are). But that also means there is no bloc that needs to hang its head and walk the walk of shame.
We all won!
Ain't America Great!
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
It's election day.
SO VOTE!!!!!!!!
And remember we all will win!
All those damnable political ads will end!
Saturday, November 5, 2022
The monks are on the march!
Friday, November 4, 2022
Thursday, November 3, 2022
Monday, October 31, 2022
Oh, and another red letter date.
I signed the papers for my second mortgage. Soon I will be RICH!!! RICH!!! RICH!!!
Okay, I'll be able to pay my debts.
Kitchens and bathrooms ain't cheap!
Sister Bertrille
Sunday, October 30, 2022
A struggle
For some reason, the last few days have been difficult for me.
I have come out before that I was dealing from depression. I don't know if this is just depression worsening, or if there is more. And don't worry, I have no suicidal tendences.
Okay, first I came out that I was gay, then I came out that I suffered from depression, now I coming out about my alcoholism. I'm not sure what way to go. Richard told me his first six months of sobriety were the worst times of his life.
I don't know how much time is left. But I know one day the boot is going to drop.
Why not pickle myself in pleasure!
Monday, October 24, 2022
Saturday, October 22, 2022
In the jungle
The mighty jungle
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
At long last
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Saturday, October 15, 2022
GO JACKS!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Sunday, October 9, 2022
Red Letter Date!
Today I will, for the first time in my 65 years on this planet, attend a baby shower.
Yes, there is a baby shower. Is it for Savvy and Ken, or for baby boy Faith-Bules?
Now I hate to sound out of kilter, but I have no idea what to expect.
First, I was never technically invited, so any info that may have been contained in the invitation is a secret from me. Karla did tell me that the shower starts at 2:30 and a barbecue at 4.
I am giving a fairly inappropriate gift: a plant. I have no clue who's names to put on the outside of the envelope, and scant clue as to what to write inside. I have no idea what to wear. I really don't know what happens at a baby shower, and I'm not sure I really want to know.
But, I am peeling off one more level of virginity!
Friday, October 7, 2022
Old table; New use.
Thursday, October 6, 2022
A candle for Nancy
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
Monday, January 24, 2022
Ode to a fallen comrade
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
It is official
Wednesday, January 5, 2022
Hello! It’s me again
Another random thought, as I dig my way thru the genealogical graveyard.
Woods and Wallace, so sweet that 4 siblings married 4
siblings. Until you learn that they are all 1st cousins.
Voilà! I am explained!
Thank Hannah and Peter!
Tuesday, January 4, 2022
Just a random thought from the middle of nowhere
I try to stifle myself much of the time. If you knew how truly bizarre I am, you would just back away.
I was listening to the song "Rock and Roll Heaven" by the Righteous Brothers, and the line "If you believe in forever, then life is just a one night stand".
Damn, ain't that the truth.
Just kinda tweaked a nerve for me. What more is there?