Before I get going, let me tell you a bit about my feelings toward government. Government, in the United States and other democratic countries, is the people who live in the jurisdiction, be it local, state or federal (or the equivalent).
The people of the state of Alaska are suing the rest of us in the United States for listing the polar bear as an endangered species.
Let me be the first to announce that I have never seen a polar bear in its natural environment. And at my age, the chances of seeing one there is somewhere between slim and nil. Although I think they are cute as hell, I have no truly personal attachment to any polar bear, real or imagined.
I have seen a polar bear before, but I did check the internet and Como Park Zoo is not listed as the great white bears native homeland, but remind me to check in ten years, that may have changed. The following is from many different sources.
The people of the state of Alaska are suing the rest of us in the United States for listing the polar bear as an endangered species.
Let me be the first to announce that I have never seen a polar bear in its natural environment. And at my age, the chances of seeing one there is somewhere between slim and nil. Although I think they are cute as hell, I have no truly personal attachment to any polar bear, real or imagined.
I have seen a polar bear before, but I did check the internet and Como Park Zoo is not listed as the great white bears native homeland, but remind me to check in ten years, that may have changed. The following is from many different sources.
“Gov. Sarah Palin and other state officials fear a listing will cripple offshore oil and gas development in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas in Alaska's northern waters, which provide prime habitat for the only polar bears under U.S. jurisdiction.
‘We believe that the Service's decision to list the polar bear was not based on the best scientific and commercial data available,’ Palin said in announcing the lawsuit.”
Okay, Alaskans, just admit you hate polar bears. Don’t be so sadistic as to slowly eat away at their habitat. You really can’t enjoy pictures of the white bears starving to death, can you? Just do it. Head north with your shotguns and be merciful. Kill quick and be done.
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