The scumbucket Bernie Madoff and his ethically challenged wife, Ruth, for some unknown reason think they are entitled to keep their $9 million penthouse in Manhattan and $62 million in assets that are in Ruth’s name. I will try to control my anger.
People are dead because of these assholes. Others face lives ruined by these jerks. If everything that Mr. Madoff has confessed to is true, he should spend the rest of his life in jail. And sweet Ruthie was dragging millions of dollars out of the bank days before her sleazy husband was arrested and tucking it away in safe places. Oh, try and tell me she didn’t know what was going on. Ruth deserves a fair trial, before she is thrown in the slammer and the keys thrown away. I’d call them money-hungry whores, but frankly that would be an insult to whores worldwide.
I’m not really sure what to do. I mean, writing my congressman would do no good. (They have this separation of powers thing in DC.) The only thing I can think of is to be rude to Madoffs the next time I see them in public. It’s something we all can do!
So, the next time you’re pushing your cart down the aisle of the local Piggly-Wiggly and you see Bernie and Ruth coming toward you, be bold. Throw marshmallows at them. Slip a box of peanut butter crackers in their shopping cart. Get really mean and squeeze their Charmin! This is no-holds-barred!
To the thousands of people who have been financially hurt by Bernie & Ruth, I am sorry. Take comfort in the fact that most of you will still have a much more comfortable retirement than I will.
People are dead because of these assholes. Others face lives ruined by these jerks. If everything that Mr. Madoff has confessed to is true, he should spend the rest of his life in jail. And sweet Ruthie was dragging millions of dollars out of the bank days before her sleazy husband was arrested and tucking it away in safe places. Oh, try and tell me she didn’t know what was going on. Ruth deserves a fair trial, before she is thrown in the slammer and the keys thrown away. I’d call them money-hungry whores, but frankly that would be an insult to whores worldwide.
I’m not really sure what to do. I mean, writing my congressman would do no good. (They have this separation of powers thing in DC.) The only thing I can think of is to be rude to Madoffs the next time I see them in public. It’s something we all can do!
So, the next time you’re pushing your cart down the aisle of the local Piggly-Wiggly and you see Bernie and Ruth coming toward you, be bold. Throw marshmallows at them. Slip a box of peanut butter crackers in their shopping cart. Get really mean and squeeze their Charmin! This is no-holds-barred!
To the thousands of people who have been financially hurt by Bernie & Ruth, I am sorry. Take comfort in the fact that most of you will still have a much more comfortable retirement than I will.
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