Today was the day. Saints are dancing in the yard. Two happier critters would be hard to find.
Richard called me this morning to bring the news that it was snowing at home. “Yee Haw”, I screamed! “Oh, I mean, umm… damn, you gonna be okay?” He actually seemed somewhat light hearted in his response, as he told me to go to h-e-double l. (For a brief moment I thought he might break out in song, but don’t worry. I was mistaken.)
So, we all laugh at work and finally 4PM rolls around and I leave to go home. Nothing unusual: until I hit the four-way stop where East Marina Drive hits Highway 35. And then I notice the big snowflakes hitting the windshield. “Hmm, all the way down here”, I think to myself.
I know you are all thinking, “Thank the good beings that Mac is prepared for everything. We are sure he had no problem getting home, because he has lived in Hood River for almost 24 years, and because he has seen snow before Halloween and because he saw the weather forecast calling for snow down to 2,000 feet.
Oh, you loving, loving innocent people. Yes, I knew where my studded tires were (under the deck), and I knew where the bags of sand I put in the back of my pick-up were (beside the driveway). I was driving my deathtrap home with no other recourse.
It didn’t get worse as I climbed the hill out of Hood River proper. The highway was still clear at Pine Grove. But despite the flat between Pine Grove and the Odell cutoff, there was suddenly snow by the side of the road, and slush in the middle. It was still very passable. Got all the way up to Willow Flat and there was no problem: slow going, but no disasters. Then just as I am turning the corner to the former viewpoint (there is no longer a viewpoint: the trees have grown too big), I notice cars littered along the road. And I do mean littered. Three or four of them are in the ditch. Many more are spread eagle across the highway.
I panic. I pull over to the side of the road. I put on my emergency break and start to get out of my pick-up. It starts to slide. I really don’t know what to do, but let it slide into the guard rail. That is why they are there, right?
So, I pull out my chains. Does anyone have any idea how much I hate to put chains on my truck? I would rather have a root canal! But I was ready to do it. Then a snowplow went by. I threw the chains on the passengers seat, I let the traffic get by, then skidded on to the plowed highway.
I am home. I am happy.
And yes, it is about three inches.
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