Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Just Hoping

As I wait to hear the election returns from Maine and Washington, I am reminded of a dark time from my past.

It was the late ‘70s. Gay rights was the latest fad and it turned up in some of the oddest places: Miami (Dade County), FL; Wichita, KS; St. Paul, MN; Eugene, OR; Seattle, WA.

I hope no one else in this room ever has to experience being 20 years old and hearing that 69% of the people in Miami, Florida think that you are a pervert and don’t deserve the same rights as other Americans. Similar results came out of Wichita and St. Paul. And particularly horrifying was Eugene – the liberal town of Oregon. (Seattle saved the decade!)

Of course, Anita Bryant was a catalyst to the overthrow of gay rights. I came across these quotes from her on the web:

"As a mother, I know that homosexuals cannot biologically reproduce children; therefore, they must recruit our children" and "If gays are granted rights, next we'll have to give rights to prostitutes and to people who sleep with St. Bernards and to nail biters."

I can’t be the only person who sees the amazing humor.

Why shouldn’t nail biters have full rights?

They are still lying in Maine.

Or maybe they aren't lying. Maybe I'm going to hell, but I'm going in a prettier handbasket than the rest of you.

'Cause I'm a queer and damn it, we've got the best handbaskets!

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