Monday, June 24, 2013

Half Time!

Three weeks down, three to go. And as is unfortunately true to the course, we have little to report.

Richard is exhausted. That is a side effect of both chemo and radiation. So even though he has had almost two weeks off from chemo, the radiation has kept him sleepy. He has to be careful what he eats so it doesn’t upset him, but he must eat. He is down 40 pounds. (Okay, he was a little tubby there for a while: even Max joked.) And things don’t taste right. How the hell you suppose to know if you want some halibut tonight, when you don’t know which of the many nuances it is going to take on?

He isn’t complaining. He leaves that up to me. Have I told you how bad my carpal tunnel was, or have I mentioned the “festering wounds of a dimension and severity seldom seen out the tropics” recently? Yeah, I thought I had.

Richard is a few days behind schedule, but he is losing his hair. I guess I am a little surprised how traumatic that is for Richard. In truth, until he mentioned it, I never had thought that this was the visual. He can no longer pretend. So I’m gonna probably have to deal with reality someday soon.

Nah, not my style!

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