Friday, June 28, 2013

Just a thought.

Okay, I have an idea I’d like some religious right-wingers to think about.

(Religious right-wingers frequent this page.)

Let’s pretend for a second that your god does exist. Let’s say that your god is truly loving and wants the best for his people. So, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000 or however many years ago he instructed humans to write his rules (bible). He, being loving, sets rules that make sense for survival of his people. He forbids pork or shellfish, because they hide undetectable disease. He knows that people are dying as fast as they are being born, so he opposes any sex that doesn’t lead to procreation. He forbids shaving beards, because that is just stupid.

Fast forward, however many years it takes to get to today. We have ways to tell if pork or shellfish are trouble, so most sects allow eating them.

The population of planet earth is toying with maximums. Perhaps your god would say that gay marriage (and sex without procreation) is okay.

I do still support beards with all my heart.

Just a thought.

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