Monday, November 11, 2013

November 11, 2013

I was trying to figure out how old I am today. I got a little confused until it dawned on me that I needed to determine the cosine of the bilateral tangent of year of my birth and then attempt to correlate it to the reciprocal of the cosecant of the year I turned 21. Okay, carry the three and multiply the remaining quadrilateral by the square root of π, and holy bejeezus that is one big number!

Let’s just say I’m old. Not quite as old as dirt, as that is the age of one of my sisters, but way too close for my personal comfort!

As with any wise person of my advanced years (OMG, did you see how big that number was!)I have been doing some thinking lately, or as I like to say, “I’ve been saging my brain out.”

Our local art center is sponsoring a series of talks entitled “Sense of Place.”

Mention “place” to me, and I automatically think of a map, and give me a map and you won’t have to speak to me for hours, perhaps even days. Give me an atlas and you’re safe until next summer.

Okay, I’ve got the map out, I’m looking at the pictures I took yesterday, contemplating place and I suddenly remember this article I read many years ago about this person who’s goal in life was to visit every county and parish in the United States. (I don’t remember if s/he ignored Alaska or used the census districts, or what.)

Okay, sense of place; camera; map! I will visit every county in the United States and take a picture that somehow reflects that counties sense of space.

Wow, now this is a totally obtainable goal. I’m not sure how many counties there are in the US, but Texas alone has 16 billion.

This will be easy, and it will be fun. And I will post the pictures on this blog. You’ll recognize the posts by the title. The title will be State: County… or for example “Oregon: Sherman”.

Am I amped or what?

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