Thursday, February 13, 2014

Another day, another doctor’s visit.

Once again, it was with the local physician. And it was much, much, much easier to get him into town.

Richard was happy to hear he had pneumonia. I was totally satisfied with the earlier diagnosis of a stray lung infection. Richard is convinced that having pneumonia is justification for staying in bed.

Okay, I may have missed the memo, but when did having stage four lung cancer that has metastasized to your brain discontinue qualifying you for bed time? Oh, and did I mention the three weeks of radiation of the brain? Pneumonia is just so over the top.

Richard is better than he was on Tuesday, but he is still one sick little puppy. His mind is closer to normal, he has regained control of his bladder and bowels (do I hear a rendition of the “Hallelujah Chorus” in the background?), his fever is gone and his shortness of breath and wheezing is somewhat better. But he is still very weak and tired. And getting him to eat is easy as teaching a lion to knit.

Okay, this is the nadir of his recovery from radiation. It gets better from here!

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