Tuesday, May 26, 2015

4:00 AM, Tuesday, May 26, 2015

I was awoken by the sound of a screaming cat. Max was on the bed with me, so you understand my natural confusion. He is usually the screaming cat.

Okay, this may come as a surprise to you, as I know you all think of me as a natural linguist with all the languages I speak, but Max is more fluent in Cat than I. He understood the urgency and was quick to jump out of bed and run to the living room door. I on the other hand waited for a handful more of urgent pleas before I drug my sorry ass out of bed.

When I arrived in the living room, it became obvious to me what a dire predicament we were facing. An imminent cat invasion was at hand. Outside the door was an adorable cat that seemed to want inside. But Tom, the first line of defense was adamant.

Okay, when I say “adorable”, please keep in mind that the cat outside the door couldn’t hold a candle to Max or Tom. So, Tom and Max, when you read this post, please keep in mind that you are much cuter and way more cuddly than that stray gray tabby that was trying to invade our home.

So, Tom saved our house from a horrific fate of having a third adorable cat in the house. Tom is my hero.

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