Monday, September 21, 2015

A perfect Monday

It started innocuously enough. Normal morning routine: brew coffee, read the news, slowly wake up.

All was good until I stepped into the bathroom to get ready for work. I heard that odd hissing noise that you only hear when your pipes have burst after a good winter freeze. I hope that is a noise that none of you have heard. I am sadly familiar with it. But it didn’t freeze last night.

I did the unthinkable; I crawled into the crawl space. There was water where there shouldn’t be water. I did what any middle (okay very late middle) aged man would do and called a plumber. You know, someone who is limber and able and has a fricking clue what he was doing. I then shut off the water supply.

Four hours later, the plumber shows up. He finds the problem quickly. A hose to the water heater has broken. He tests my water pressure. It is like way high. He gets the water district on the horn, and before you know it, there is got a bevy of men digging in the front yard.

A pressure reducing valve later, all is good.

And that is how I spent the last day of summer!

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