Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Midnight Summer’s Dream.

Richard’s play closed last night and I went to see it, for the second time. The problem with going to see Richard’s plays at CGCC is that they are performed in The Dalles, almost an hour’s drive away. So I ride in with Richard, but he has to be there two and a half hours before the opening curtain. So what does one do in The Dalles for 2.5 hours to entertain oneself?

I have no idea.

I tried shopping. I bought a pair of pants, two belts, some vitamins and a rug. Those of you, who know me, know that I am the consummate shopper. I can spend, literally seconds making some of the poorest judgment moves imaginable when I am in a store. Especially if I am alone. I buy belts that are too small, an entry rug that can’t get wet and can only be cleaned professionally and vitamin E instead of C. And I still had one hour and forty-five minutes to kill.

So you get a pictorial of the campus of Columbia Gorge Community College:

View to the northwest from the front lawn. CGCC is high on a hill above downtown The Dalles.

This is the front lawn with Buildings 1 and 2. CGCC uses amazingly original names for their buildings.
The Amphitheater..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am proud of you to do some clothes shopping, are these things that you might feature out in MN.?