Friday, June 19, 2009

Once a Pirate, always a Pirate.

I borrowed that from the Oregonian newspaper.

Cascade Locks School, in Cascade Locks, Oregon, graduated seven seniors this year. The K-12 school has 130 students, so there are no bigger graduating classes coming. Actually, there are no more graduating classes coming. Due to budget constraints, declining enrollment and all those other moribund statistics, the Hood River County School District has opted to close Cascade Locks High School and send the students to Hood River Valley High School. (Cascade Locks will remain as a K-8 school.)

But for a small town, reeling from high unemployment, losing its high school is something of a death knell. I don’t mean to insinuate that the Locks (as we often refer to Cascade Locks) is going away as a town, but part of its identity is dying. The last home basketball game has been played. I don't know if the Pirates won the game or lost, but the town lost the team.

To Ashlea, Leah, Ashleyanne, Montgumry, Lety, Lydia and Adam: carry your honor high. A small town is depending on you.

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