Wednesday, June 18, 2014

And the first round of medical type crap is done.

Yes, I survived driving to Portland, having a PET scan and an MRI and driving back to the Upper Valley. I really did have a pretty good day, but about half way back to Hood River, my back began to beg for narcotics. My arm was fine, as I took a Gabby at arrival in Portland. Gabby seems to last for a long time, and frankly, I don’t think I was in anyway impaired. But my back was getting a little testy by the end of it all!

The PET scan was pretty uneventful. The MRI was interesting. It was loud and constraining, and I was getting over heated and I was starting to hurt and the rhythms weren’t really soothing and it lasted about 45 minutes and I was glad when it was done. I would say interesting.

I am so glad that Maureen and Susan are taking care of the driving for the next two days. I can pop any pill I want at any time. Yee haw!

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